Are you fresh out of a workplace or car accident? Or possibly dealing with the unfortunate consequences of a recent limb amputation related to diabetic neuropathy. This is where in home physical therapy comes to play.

When added to your plan of care, a licensed physical therapist (Doctor of Physical Therapy, DPT) will come to your home and do an evaluation of the exact condition you’re in and build realistic health goals. The result of a successfully implemented care plan will be a gain of physical function, flexibility, and range of motion in the affected area(s). The primary goal of this service should be increased physical independence with little to no pain.

If the ordering physician and/or DPT do not think that a client can realistically gain independence or relieve pain from physical therapy, it will not be added to your services.

DPTs also work in duo with physical therapy assistants (PTAs) who will help them in the execution of the care plan.