Wound care is one of the services of home health care that really differentiates one agency from the next. It is a very tedious and expensive process that many agencies run away from because they do not determine it financially benefitting, or because they do not want to be held liable/accountable to the client.

When performed by a caring, experienced, and patient nurse with assistive staff, astounding results can be ascertained. This service is normally ordered when wounds have already gotten to a bad stage, and are growing exponentially (in the case of acute injuries). Common wounds leading to home care orders are:

  • Acute injuries from accidents from falls and cuts, to car accidents.

  • Post surgical lesions and infections.

  • Infections from fugal, viral, or bacterial.

  • Burns, chemical and heat related.

  • Bedsores

Star Healthcare of Texas nurses will ensure to triangulate delicate wound care with the ordering physician, the agency, and the client to ensure the healing process is always moving forward and never backward. Our staff will also pay key attention to the underlying cause, so that the restorative process can start as soon as possible, and to prevent any future wounds from occurring.